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Federico Faggin will be interviewed by David Lorimer about his autobiography entitled: ‘SILICON – From the Invention of the Microprocessor to the New Science of Consciousness’. In his heartfelt memoir, Faggin chronicles his “four lives”: his formative years in war-torn Northern Italy; his pioneering work in the US microelectronics industry; his successful career as a high-tech entrepreneur; and his explorations into the mysteries of consciousness.
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Join us for an illuminating panel discussion with Elias Capriles, Debashish Banerji and Lewis Mehl-Madrona. We will explore cross-culturally indigenous wisdom traditions in terms of their knowledge-base, methods and practices as a means to facilitate a transformational shift in consciousness.
This webinar is for people searching for transpersonal-existential meaning and purpose in life beyond the constraints of Western modernity.
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This webinar will be devoted to understanding enchantment – first and foremost, wonder – as a fundamental human experience. We shall consider its chief characteristics, such as what Max Weber called ‘concrete magic’, and its dynamics, including the realisation of moment and place. Then we turn to the truths enchantment can show us. These have significant implications for our further understanding of life, including ourselves. In particular, they undermine any foundational split between the spiritual or psychological on the one hand, and the material on the other.