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Webinar: Dr Karen Wyatt – What Really Matters: The Transformative Wisdom of the Dying Wednesday, 24 February 2021 • 7:30​-9:30 PM (GMT)...
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Are lockdown policies all they are cracked up to be? Join psychologist Oliver Robinson for a look at the wider implications of lockdown policies on mental health and the central role of the immune system in a more systemic understanding of the crisis.
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How do we address the conflicts between sharing and caring versus controlling and holding behavioural strategies?
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How and why are we all innately interconnected? Join developmental psychologist Dr Suzanne Zeedyk to re-attune to the experiences of your baby-self and how these relate to our innate empathic connection with each other.
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How can we create a happier and more fulfilling society? Join Richard Layard, the bestselling author of ‘Happiness’  and co-editor of the annual World Happiness Report for an in-depth exploration of the happiness principle and how to apply it to foster a caring society.
How do neural correlates of near-death experiences and mystical experiences compare? Join Prof Robert Hesse for fascinating insights from his pioneering research study into the critical neural correlates of two altered states of consciousness: near-death experience (NDE) and spiritual contemplative experience (SCE) a.k.a. mystical experience.
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How can we heal ourselves with our own voice? Come and join Danish vocal sound therapist and composer Githa Ben-David for an experiential evening to discover how you can ‘decalcify’ your Pineal Gland with your own voice.
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This talk is in two parts. It addresses the overarching theme of the unfolding of consciousness from the Divine to the material regarding the human being.
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Colin Tudge - The Great Re-think
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Book: Robert Romanyshyn On Technology as Symptom & Dream