How to Revolutionise the Materialist Paradigm
How do we catalyse a paradigm shift in consciousness studies?
The Scientific and Medical Network, Galileo Commission, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences (AAPS) and Eternea present a panel discussion with leading-edge Galileo Commission advisers who are also authors from the trilogy edited by Gayle Kimball, PhD – ‘Mysteries of Reality, Mysteries of Healing, Mysteries of Knowledge Beyond Our Senses’:
Dr Eben Alexander III, Prof Bill Bengston, Dr Jude Currivan, Dr Bernardo Kastrup and Helané Wahbeh – with David Lorimer and Gayle Kimball moderating.
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“I regard consciousness as fundamental, matter is derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. There is no matter as such; it exists only by virtue of a force bringing the particle to vibration and holding it together in a minute solar system; we must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. The mind is the matrix of all matter.”
– Max Planck
The panel will address the following questions:
What was your personal experience of transformation from the materialist paradigm to the consciousness paradigm, including the most influential books and mentors?
Imagine the paradigm has shifted. How did it happen and how is our world different?
What is the strongest and most persuasive evidence that the materialist paradigm is limited and harmful?
What philosophical assumptions that underpin the materialist paradigm need to be challenged?
What are models of the relationship between brain and consciousness, including Quantum Mechanics, i.e. ideas of space and time. Discuss the idealist view vs. the dual aspect approach.
What are the most influential effective tactics, organizations, social media, and more to inform the public?
The Galileo Commission Report – www.galileocommission.org
The Galileo Commission Report argues for an expansion of the philosophical basis of a science of consciousness beyond the conventional physicalist worldview by widening the evidence base to examine the implications for our understanding of reality of research into significant human experiences such as veridical OBE perceptions in NDEs, children who remember previous lives, and extensive scientific studies of parapsychological phenomena. The Galileo Commission encourages scientists and academics to ‘look through the telescope’ at this evidence base that represents a fundamental challenge to the prevailing materialistic outlook.
About the panel of speakers:
Eben Alexander MD was an academic neurosurgeon for over 25 years, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School in Boston. A pioneering scientist and modern thought leader in the emerging science that acknowledges the primacy of consciousness in the universe, he is the author of the New York Times #1 bestseller ‘Proof of Heaven’, ‘The Map of Heaven’ and ‘Living in a Mindful Universe’. Visit Eben’s website here: http://ebenalexander.com/.
Bill Bengston PhD is a professor of statistics and research methods at St. Joseph’s College in New York, and the President of the Society for Scientific Exploration, an international group of scientists who study anomalies. Bill’s research has produced the first successful full cures of transplanted mammary cancer and methylcholanthrene induced sarcomas in mice by energy healing techniques that he helped to develop. He has also investigated assorted correlates to healing such as EEG and fMRI entrainment, and geomagnetic micropulsation anomalies in healing space. His current work involves the attempt to reverse engineer healing and reproduce healing without the healer. Visit Bill’s website here: https://bengstonresearch.com.
Jude Currivan PhD is a cosmologist, planetary healer, author, most recently of ‘The Cosmic Hologram’, previously one of the most senior business women in the UK and co-founder of WholeWorld-View. She integrates leading edge science, consciousness research and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic world-view, underpinning her work to serve transformational and emergent resolutions to our collective planetary issues. Visit Jude’s website here: www.wholeworld-view.org.
Bernardo Kastrup PhD is the executive director of Essentia Foundation. His work has been leading the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. He has a PhD in philosophy and another PhD in computer engineering. For more information, freely downloadable papers, videos, etc., please visit www.bernardokastrup.com.
Helané Wahbeh ND, MCR is the Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Dr. Wahbeh is clinically trained as a naturopathic physician and research trained with a Master of Clinical Research and two post-doctoral research fellowships. Her research domains are complementary and alternative medicine, mind-body medicine, stress, PTSD and extended human capacities. Learn more here: https://noetic.org/profile/helane-wahbeh/.
About the moderators:
Gayle Kimball PhD is the author of 22 books including the visionary scientists trilogy, ‘Essential Energy Tools: How to Develop Your Clairvoyant and Healing Abilities, and Calm: How to Thrive in Challenging Times’. Her interviews with visionary scientists and others are available on https://youtu.be/5mbyGqY2jY4. Visit her website at: www.gaylekimball.info.
David Lorimer is Chair of the Galileo Commission, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Editor of Paradigm Explorer. He initiated the Beyond the Brain conference series in 1995 with the Founding President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Prof Willis Harman. His latest book is ‘A Quest for Wisdom – Inspiring Purpose on the Path of Life’.
David LorimerWriter, Lecturer, Poet, Editor
David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA is a visionary polymath – writer, lecturer, poet and editor who is a Founder of Character Education Scotland, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and former President of Wrekin Trust and the Swedenborg Society. David is also the Editor of Paradigm Explorer, and Chair of the Galileo Commission, which seeks the expand the evidence base of science of consciousness beyond a materialistic world view.
Originally a merchant banker then a teacher of philosophy and modern languages at Winchester College, he is the author and editor of over a dozen books, including Survival? Death as Transition (1984,2017) Resonant Mind (originally Whole in One) (1990/2017), The Spirit of Science (1998), Thinking Beyond the Brain (2001), The Protein Crunch (with Jason Drew) and A New Renaissance (edited with Oliver Robinson). He has edited three books about the Bulgarian sage Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov): Prophet for our Times (1991, 2015), The Circle of Sacred Dance, and Gems of Love, which is a translation of his prayers and formulas into English. His book on the ideas and work of the Prince of Wales – Radical Prince (2003) – has been translated into Dutch, Spanish and French. His most recent books are A Quest for Wisdom and his collection of poems, Better Light a Candle.
Jude CurrivanCosmologist, Author
Dr Jude Currivan has a master’s degree in physics from Oxford University and a doctorate in archaeology from the University of Reading. She is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author who was previously one of the most senior business women in the UK and in 2017 she co-founded WholeWorld-View. Integrating leading edge science, research into consciousness, and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic world-view underpins her work serving conscious evolution and empowering transformational and emergent resolutions to collective human and planetary issues. For over two decades she has also travelled around the world in service to planetary healing. A member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle (www.evolutionaryleaders.net) she is also the international and award-winning author of six books to date, latterly The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation. Her next book, Gaia: Her-Story will be published in 2022.
Eben AlexanderScientist, Author
Dr Eben Alexander III received his BA in Chemistry from UNC-Chapel Hill in 1976, MD from Duke University in 1980, completed neurosurgical residency at Duke in 1987, and a cerebrovascular fellowship at Newcastle General Hospital in the UK, before teaching neurosurgery at the Brigham & Women’s and Childrens’ Hospitals and Harvard Medical School in Boston for 15 years, achieving the rank of Associate Professor. He also held academic positions at UMass Memorial and the University of Virginia, and wrote over 150 peer-reviewed papers and chapters. His clinical expertise and leadership included advances in linear accelerator-based stereotactic radiosurgery for numerous indications, development of the world’s first intra-operative MRI system, and advanced management of brain tumors and functional disorders (movement disorders, refractory pain syndromes).
Bill BengstonProfessor of Statistics and Research Methods, President of the Society for Scientific Exploration
Bill Bengston PhD is a professor of statistics and research methods at St. Joseph’s College in New York, and the President of the Society for Scientific Exploration, an international group of scientists who study anomalies. Bill’s research has produced the first successful full cures of transplanted mammary cancer and methylcholanthrene induced sarcomas in mice by energy healing techniques that he helped to develop. He has also investigated assorted correlates to healing such as EEG and fMRI entrainment, and geomagnetic micropulsation anomalies in healing space. His current work involves the attempt to reverse engineer healing and reproduce healing without the healer. Visit Bill’s website here: https://bengstonresearch.com.
Bernardo KastrupExecutive Director of Essentia Foundation
Bernardo Kastrup PhD is the executive director of Essentia Foundation. His work has been leading the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. He has a PhD in philosophy and another PhD in computer engineering. For more information, freely downloadable papers, videos, etc., please visit www.bernardokastrup.com.
Helané WahbehDirector of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
Dr Helané Wahbeh is the Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Neurology at Oregon Health & Science University, and President of the Parapsychological Association. Dr Wahbeh is clinically trained as a naturopathic physician and research trained with a Master of Clinical Research and two post-doctoral research fellowships. She has published on and spoken internationally about her studies on complementary and alternative medicine, mind-body medicine, extended human capacities, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and their relationships to physiology, health, and healing. Dr Wahbeh is especially known for her research around — and noetic approach to — channeling.
Gayle KimballProfessor Emerita, Author
Professor Emerita Gayle Kimball, PhD, is the Nautilus award-winning author of over 20 books, including Essential Energy Tools: How to Develop Your Clairvoyant and Healing Abilities and The Mysteries of Reality, The Mysteries of Healing, and The Mysteries of Knowledge Beyond Our Senses. Also, Calm: How to Thrive in Challenging Times. She offers online clairvoyant sessions and classes, and researches extraordinary abilities.